Shopify B2B Wholesale - OneOnic Solutions
Shopify B2B & Wholesale

Deliver the best B2B Shopify Experience
to wholesale customers.

Leveraging the power of Shopify & Shopify Plus to build a B2B and Wholesale channel so your online store can sell with volume.

At OneOnic, we specialize in leveraging the capabilities of Shopify and Shopify Plus to establish robust B2B and Wholesale channels for your online store, enabling you to capitalize on high-volume sales opportunities.

With our extensive expertise in designing, developing, optimizing, and launching Shopify B2B and Wholesale stores across diverse industries, we are committed to assisting B2B businesses, enterprises, and partners in achieving their long-term strategic objectives. Our goal is to empower you to create a dynamic and effective wholesale ecommerce experience that sets you apart from competitors.

From enhancing navigation and streamlining checkout processes to optimizing shipping operations, we possess the necessary tools, APIs, and integrations to elevate B2B companies to their full potential. With our tailored solutions, you can enhance efficiency, drive sales growth, and cultivate lasting relationships with wholesale clients.

Partner with OneOnic to unlock the power of Shopify and Shopify Plus for your B2B and Wholesale endeavors, and embark on a journey towards success in the digital marketplace.

What is Shopify B2B and Wholesale?

When it comes to B2B and wholesale operations on Shopify, there are several approaches available to cater to the unique needs of businesses selling to other businesses.

One approach involves creating a password-protected storefront that serves as an extension of the main store, providing exclusive access to wholesale customers. This allows businesses to maintain a separate channel specifically for wholesale transactions while leveraging the existing infrastructure of their Shopify store.

Another option is to utilize Shopify's dedicated B2B ecommerce channel, which is designed to facilitate wholesale transactions and streamline the purchasing process for B2B buyers. With this approach, businesses can take advantage of features such as unique pricing rates, volume-based discounts, and tailored product offerings for wholesale customers.

For those looking for a more integrated solution, Shopify offers B2B features that can be accessed directly within the platform. These features allow businesses to customize pricing, offer specialized experiences for B2B customers, and manage wholesale accounts seamlessly from within their Shopify store.

It's worth noting that Shopify's native wholesale features are exclusively available through Shopify Plus, which comes with a higher price tag. However, for businesses that require advanced functionality and scalability, Shopify Plus can provide access to a range of tools and capabilities tailored to the needs of wholesale operations.

For businesses operating on a tighter budget, there are B2B Shopify wholesale apps available that offer similar functionality to Shopify Plus at a more affordable price point. These apps, such as SparkLayer, Wholesale Lock Manager, or Wholesale Club, allow businesses to set up and manage wholesale operations efficiently while keeping costs down. They offer benefits such as rapid setup, seamless integration with existing data, automation of wholesale processes, and a user-friendly interface for both businesses and customers.

In summary, whether through Shopify's native features, Shopify Plus, or third-party apps, businesses have a variety of options available to streamline their B2B and wholesale operations on the Shopify platform. With the right approach, businesses can effectively scale their operations, cater to the needs of wholesale customers, and drive growth in the B2B sector.

Why is Shopify and Shopify Plus good for B2B and Wholesale?

Shopify and Shopify Plus offer robust solutions for B2B and wholesale stores, seamlessly integrating with your business to streamline operations and drive efficiency. Here's why these platforms are well-suited for B2B and wholesale operations:

Streamlined Management: Managing multiple stores can be time-consuming and complex. With Shopify's B2B channel, you can consolidate your retail and wholesale operations into a single platform. This simplifies the management process, allowing you to oversee inventory, orders, and customer data from one location.

Enhanced Efficiency: By centralizing your operations on Shopify, you can maximize efficiency and streamline processes. Whether you're serving retail customers or wholesale clients, Shopify provides the tools and capabilities to manage all aspects of your business seamlessly.

Flexible Billing and Pricing: Shopify's B2B functionality offers flexibility in billing and pricing strategies. You can easily set up volume discounts, create custom price lists for different clients, and offer personalized pricing based on customer relationships or payment terms. This ensures that you can cater to the unique needs of your wholesale clients while maintaining profitability.

Convenient Ordering: With Shopify's B2B features, you can provide your wholesale customers with a convenient ordering experience. The platform allows you to create a wholesale order center where clients can place orders at their convenience. This eliminates the need for manual order forms and lengthy processes, enabling you to serve your B2B customers more efficiently.

International Expansion: If you're looking to expand your business internationally or target customers in different time zones, Shopify's B2B functionality can facilitate this process. By digitizing your wholesale operations and offering online ordering, you can reach customers around the world and streamline the purchasing process for global clients.

In summary, Shopify and Shopify Plus offer comprehensive solutions for B2B and wholesale businesses, providing the tools and capabilities needed to streamline operations, drive efficiency, and scale your business effectively. Whether you're managing inventory, setting pricing strategies, or serving international clients, Shopify's B2B functionality can help you achieve your goals and grow your business.

What are the B2B and Wholesale features on Shopify?

Shopify offers a wide range of features tailored specifically for B2B and wholesale commerce, catering to the unique needs of businesses selling to other businesses. Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale your operations, Shopify's B2B and Wholesale functionality provides the tools you need to succeed. Here are some key features:

Unified Store Management: With Shopify B2B, you can manage both B2C and B2B sales from a single store. This allows you to offer unique pricing options, products, customer lists, and profiles to wholesale clients without the need for separate storefronts.

Wholesale Channel: Alternatively, you can create a separate multistore location dedicated solely to wholesale transactions. This Wholesale Channel enables you to streamline wholesale operations and offer a tailored experience for your B2B customers.

Custom Pricing and Discounts: Shopify allows you to create exclusive discount codes and volume-based discount levels for your wholesale customers. You can also set up specific price lists for different B2B clients, rewarding them for their purchasing volume and loyalty.

Flexible Payment Terms: Provide net payment terms to your B2B customers, allowing them to pay on credit as they typically would in a wholesale transaction. This flexibility enhances the purchasing experience and encourages repeat business.

Integration with Handshake Marketplace: Seamlessly integrate your Shopify store with Handshake, a leading B2B marketplace, to expand your reach and connect with potential wholesale buyers.

Order Management: Manage large orders and credit limits efficiently with Shopify's robust order management capabilities. This ensures smooth processing and fulfillment of wholesale transactions.

Secure and Reliable Platform: Benefit from Shopify's hosting and security features, ensuring a reliable and secure shopping experience for both B2C and B2B customers. Shopify's infrastructure supports the needs of growing businesses and provides peace of mind for merchants.

Wholesale-Ready Storefront: Unlock a wholesale-ready storefront for your buyers using B2B apps available in the Shopify App Store. These apps offer advanced features and customization options to enhance the B2B purchasing experience.

While Shopify's standard features cater to the needs of many B2B businesses, the Shopify Plus program and specialized wholesale channel offer additional cutting-edge capabilities. If you're interested in exploring these features further or would like a demo of the configuration options, feel free to get in touch with us for assistance.

What are the limitations of using Shopify B2B?

Before integrating Shopify's B2B functionalities into their operations, commerce merchants should be mindful of certain limitations:

New Customer Accounts: Customers must create new accounts to access B2B functionalities, which may require additional steps and friction in the registration process.

Third-Party App Compatibility: Since Shopify B2B is a relatively new feature, some third-party applications may not have been updated to support it fully. Merchants relying heavily on specific apps should ensure compatibility before implementing B2B solutions.

No Subscription Support: Shopify B2B does not currently support subscription-based services. Merchants looking to offer subscription models to their B2B customers will need to explore alternative solutions or workarounds.

Order Line Item Limit: B2B orders are limited to a maximum of 500 line items per order. Orders exceeding this limit will be rejected by the wholesale system, potentially causing inconvenience for merchants with large product catalogs.

Considering these factors, merchants should also assess whether they require a separate storefront experience for their B2B customers or if they can manage B2B operations effectively through pricing and product adjustments within their existing store setup. This evaluation will help determine the most suitable approach for integrating B2B functionalities into their Shopify store.

B2B & Wholesale Shopify storefront and custom domain

When it comes to setting up a B2B or wholesale Shopify storefront, there are a few approaches you can take:

Integrated B2B Experience: With Shopify's latest B2B feature release, you can seamlessly incorporate B2B functionalities directly into your existing Shopify Plus storefront. This means that while the content and overall experience remain consistent, pricing and checkout options can be adjusted based on the logged-in customer's status. This approach eliminates the need to manage multiple stores and ensures that the B2B storefront does not add unnecessary complexity for your team. However, customizing content specifically for B2B customers may require the expertise of a Shopify agency to implement dynamic content using custom coding.

Separate Password-Protected Store: Alternatively, you can opt for a more traditional approach by setting up a separate password-protected storefront exclusively for wholesale clients. Shopify Plus offers a dedicated Wholesale channel for this purpose. These protected pages are not indexed by search engines and are accessible only to wholesale or B2B customers with authorized access. This ensures that retail customers do not stumble upon the wholesale section of your website and maintains the exclusivity of your B2B offerings. With this setup, your existing store's pricing adjusts to match the B2B settings when a wholesale customer logs in. For Shopify Plus users, an expansion store can also be leveraged instead of the Wholesale channel, although advanced development may be required to tailor the features to your B2B needs.

Custom Domain for B2B Stores: Shopify Plus merchants now have the option to assign a custom domain to their B2B business stores. This allows retailers to deliver a branded customer experience across channels, making it easier for customers to locate their wholesale storefronts. However, it's important to note that there are limited customization options available through the wholesale storefront interface.

Overall, the choice between an integrated B2B experience and a separate wholesale store depends on your specific business requirements and preferences. Both approaches offer advantages and can be tailored to suit the needs of your B2B customers effectively.

Custom pricing, order limits & payment terms

One of the standout features of Shopify Wholesale, particularly for Shopify Plus users, is the extensive customization options available for pricing, order limits, and payment terms. Here's a breakdown of what you can do with Shopify's wholesale channel:

Custom Pricing: With Shopify Wholesale, you can tailor pricing to meet the specific needs of your B2B customers. This includes offering volume- or percentage-based discounts, setting fixed wholesale product prices, and creating multiple pricing lists for different customer segments. These pricing strategies can help attract businesses and reward loyal wholesale customers with special discounts.

Order Limits: Another valuable feature is the ability to set minimum and maximum order quantities for B2B customers. This helps you manage inventory levels and ensures that wholesale orders align with your business capabilities. By imposing order restrictions, you can maintain control over the quantity of products that customers can purchase.

Payment Terms: Shopify's B2B and Wholesale functionality also includes flexible payment terms to accommodate varying business needs. Merchants can automate payment processes by setting payment terms such as 'Net' (period), allowing customers to pay within a specified time frame after the order is placed. Terms like Net 7, Net 15, Net 30, Net 60, and Net 90 provide options for different payment schedules. Alternatively, merchants can opt for 'Due on fulfillment', where payment is required upon order fulfillment. This gives B2B customers the flexibility to pay for orders either immediately or upon receipt of the products.

By leveraging these features, merchants can create a seamless B2B purchasing experience tailored to the unique requirements of wholesale customers. Whether it's offering competitive pricing, managing order quantities, or providing flexible payment options, Shopify Wholesale empowers businesses to efficiently serve their B2B clientele.

Empower Wholesalers, Boost Efficiency with Shopify B2B Accounts

The account area provided by Shopify's B2B channel offers significant benefits for both wholesalers and merchants alike, streamlining the purchasing process and enhancing overall efficiency. Here's how:

Convenient Purchasing: Wholesaler clients receive a dedicated login account and dashboard, granting them easy access to your store's offerings. This allows them to make purchases, track orders, and place new orders autonomously, eliminating the need for direct assistance from your team. With the ability to navigate their account independently, wholesalers can complete transactions at their convenience, without relying on manual intervention.

Access to Critical Information: Within their B2B account, wholesalers have access to comprehensive data pertaining to their transactions and interactions with your store. They can view order status, review past orders, track shipments, and access invoices, providing them with transparency and control over their purchases. By offering a centralized hub for order management, Shopify's B2B channel enhances the customer experience and fosters trust and satisfaction among wholesalers.

Time and Resource Savings: The streamlined account area not only benefits wholesalers but also frees up valuable time and resources for merchants. By empowering wholesalers to self-serve and manage their accounts independently, merchants can redirect their focus to other business operations, such as marketing initiatives, product research, and strategic planning. This optimization of resources contributes to increased productivity and profitability, maximizing the return on investment in Shopify's B2B functionality.

Overall, the streamlined account area provided by Shopify's B2B channel enhances operational efficiency, promotes customer autonomy, and enables merchants to allocate resources effectively, ultimately driving business growth and success.

Processing B2B & Wholesale Orders on Shopify

Managing B2B and wholesale orders on Shopify is streamlined and efficient, thanks to Shopify Wholesale's order processing capabilities. Here's how it works: Order Processing Workflow: Orders placed through the wholesale store appear as draft orders in your Shopify admin dashboard. You can review these orders and proceed with processing them accordingly. Sending Invoices: After reviewing the orders, you have the flexibility to send invoices to customers, requesting payment for their purchases. This can be done using Shopify's built-in payment provider, allowing customers to pay securely through various payment methods. Payment Options: Customers can make payments through different methods, including credit cards, bank wire transfers, or checks. Additionally, Shopify supports integration with various payment gateways, such as Afterpay, enabling customers to pay in installments and facilitating automatic collection of payments. Expert Assistance: While setting up and managing B2B and wholesale operations may initially seem daunting, Shopify agencies like OneOnic are available to assist you every step of the way. Whether you need to optimize an existing B2B store or launch a new one, professional assistance ensures a smooth and hassle-free process. In summary, Shopify's order processing features simplify the management of B2B and wholesale orders, allowing merchants to efficiently handle transactions and provide a seamless purchasing experience for their customers.

Build Your Powerful B2B Wholesale Store on Shopify - Let's Get Started!

OneOnic, your expert Shopify agency partner, is here to guide you through every step of developing your B2B website.

Our Services:

New Store Creation: Build your B2B store from the ground up, tailored to your brand and needs.

B2B Migration: Seamlessly move your B2B data and content from another platform (Magento, BigCommerce, Brightpearl) to Shopify.

Custom Design & Development: Create a visually stunning and user-friendly B2B storefront with a bespoke theme. Integrate custom apps to elevate your B2B functionality.

Benefits of Working with OneOnic:

B2B Expertise: We understand the unique needs of B2B businesses.

Seamless Migration: Migrate your data with best practices and ongoing support.

Strategic Consultation: Discuss your vision and long-term goals to build a store that grows with you.

Customizable Solutions: Craft a B2B experience that perfectly reflects your brand.

Dedicated Team: Our designers and developers ensure a high-quality, functional store.

Don't just sell wholesale, stand out!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is B2B and Wholesale possible on Shopify?

Yes, B2B and wholesale capabilities are possible on the Shopify platform. For native wholesale and B2B functionality, merchants need to be subscribed to the Shopify Plus platform. While online stores can also sell business-to-business through third-party apps, the functionality may be limited doing this.

Does SEO work and is it worth it?

Yes, merchants have full customisation of price lists for different customers, giving the option to offer exclusive discounts for the most loyal customers as a thank you, or to incentivise higher bulk quantity orders, repeat purchases, etc.

How much do B2B and Wholesale features cost on Shopify?

The cost of Shopify B2B will vary based on the particular requirements of each wholesale company. With that said, by taking a look at some of the features offered, we can give you a basic estimate of how much B2B & wholesale costs on Shopify. Merchants wanting to use Shopify's native B2B and wholesale capabilities have to be subscribed to the Shopify Plus plan. This plan costs $2,000 per month, or a variable fee for higher volume businesses. For those wishing to operate wholesale and B2B without being subscribed to Shopify Plus will have to pay fees associated with whichever app they decide to use. To find out the specific costs and fees of each Shopify app, check details within the app store marketplace.

Payments: Companies can accept credit cards and other payment options from customers using Shopify Payments. Shopify Payments does not have a monthly cost, but there is a transaction fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per sale that must be paid by B2B businesses.

Marketing: Companies can promote their goods and services to more wholesale consumers by using Shopify's range of marketing capabilities. These tools are free to use on a monthly basis, but businesses are still responsible for any promotions and advertising expenses (e.g., Google AdWords).

Shipping: Companies can handle orders and print shipping labels using Shopify's shipping tools. These features are free to use on a monthly basis, however companies are still responsible for any delivery fees (e.g, postage).

Customer Engagement: Companies may interact with users and forge relationships with Shopify's customer engagement interface. The use of these consumer engagement tools ars free every month.

I'd like expert support in launching or optimising a wholesale Shopify store, how can I get in touch?

If you're interesting in designing, developing, optimising and/or launching a B2B store, you can contact us via phone, email or our contact form. Our professional team of Shopify and Shopify Plus experts are on-hand to help merchants create and deliver the best ecommerce ecommerce possible, so that wholesale customers convert, every time. From improving sales channels, inventory management, to generating demand, integrating reviews, improve volume of products orders, implementing loyalty programs, upsells, product options, currency converters, popups, wishlists, language translation, adding a blog, improving elements of visbility, maximimising compatability, improving customer service integrations, and having more control over your store, merchant tech stack, and everything in between, our b2b wholesale services can help you take your market offering to the next level.

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