What Is Theme Kit?

Designed for Shopify themes, Theme Kit is a fabulous command-line tool, which plays a significant role in developing e-commerce stores. Believe it or not, but it simplifies the life of the developers to a great extent. It allows you to download the entire theme on your local system, and you can use it on your editor. When you save the file, it automatically gets uploaded to your desired theme. You can then check how effectively it is working with the command line.

So, as a Shopify expert, if you haven’t tried this method so far, and you want to know how it works, then the following steps can prove to be super helpful for you.

Shopify themes can also be developed locally. Follow the steps below to setup local development environment:

  • Install Shopify Theme Kit
  • Get API Access
  • Use a new theme or Configure an existing theme with theme kit

Explanation of the above steps are as follows:

Install Shopify Theme Kit

Step 1
Open this link https://shopify.dev/tools/theme-kit/getting-started

Step 2
Only for the windows: https://shopify.dev/tools/theme-kit/getting-started#windows

Step 3
Go to the https://chocolatey.org/


Step 4
There is also more options for installs

More opions

Step 5
Carefully follow below link steps

Step 6
After finish the steps run choco command

Step 7
Then again follow below link steps for install theme kit

Step 8
Run this command
choco install themekit

Step 9
Then connect with your store using password
theme get --password=[your-password]
--store="[your-store.myshopify.com]" --themeid=[your-theme-id]

Step 10
How to create config yml, Please follow below link steps
After finish steps Then go to your folder location and create file config.yml

Step 11
Then Paste below code, You should to change details as per your shopify store
password: 16ef663594568325d64408ebcdeef528
theme_id: "123"
store: can-i-buy-a-feeling.myshopify.com

Step 12
Then write cmd in path bar

Cmd path bar

Step 13
Run this command in cmd
theme download
Run for watch theme watch --allow-live

Try making a change to one of your files and check it out in your online store (if it is the live one) to see the change automatically uploaded to your theme 🎉🎉 !!