L'Occitane - Shopify Store | Oneonic Solution Portfolio

Transforming L’Occitane’s Product Pages with Shopify Metafields

L’Occitane en Provence, a globally recognized beauty brand, sought to enhance their e-commerce platform by upgrading their product pages. They aimed to integrate dynamic elements and advanced features to improve user experience and boost sales. L’Occitane partnered with Oneonic Solutions to achieve this transformation by converting their Figma designs into functional Shopify product pages using metafields.


To seamlessly convert L’Occitane’s Figma designs into dynamic Shopify product pages while integrating advanced features such as subscriptions, reviews, frequently bought together, product bundles, and automatic gift cart additions.


  1. Figma to Shopify Conversion:
    • Our team meticulously translated the Figma designs into Shopify’s platform. This involved detailed attention to design integrity, ensuring the visual appeal and branding of L’Occitane were maintained.
    • We utilized Shopify’s metafields to make the product pages dynamic, allowing for flexible and customizable content that could easily be updated without extensive code changes.
  2. Dynamic Product Pages:
    • By leveraging Shopify’s metafields, we enabled L’Occitane’s team to dynamically manage product information, descriptions, and images. This provided a seamless and efficient way to keep the product pages up-to-date and engaging.
  3. Feature Integration:
    • Subscriptions: Implemented a subscription service to encourage recurring purchases, enhancing customer loyalty and revenue predictability.
    • Reviews: Integrated a robust review system to build trust and provide social proof, which is crucial for online shopping decisions.
    • Frequently Bought Together: Added a feature that suggests complementary products, increasing average order value through cross-selling opportunities.
    • Product Bundles: Created bundle options that offer customers the convenience of purchasing related products together at a discounted price, driving higher sales.
    • Auto Add to Gift Cart: Set up a feature that automatically adds a gift to the cart upon certain product purchases, enhancing customer satisfaction and incentivizing larger orders.


  • Enhanced User Experience: The new dynamic product pages provided a visually appealing and interactive shopping experience, aligned with L’Occitane’s brand identity.
  • Increased Sales: The integration of advanced features like subscriptions, frequently bought together, and product bundles significantly boosted average order values and overall sales.
  • Improved Customer Engagement: The review system and automatic gift additions fostered greater customer engagement and satisfaction.


Oneonic Solutions successfully transformed L’Occitane’s product pages by converting their Figma designs into dynamic, feature-rich Shopify pages. The project not only preserved the brand’s aesthetic but also incorporated essential e-commerce functionalities that enhanced user experience and drove sales growth. This collaboration highlights Oneonic Solutions’ expertise in e-commerce development and our commitment to delivering tailored solutions that meet our clients’ unique needs.

Project Type:

Shopify Store

Services rendered:
  • Shopify Plus Work
  • Custom Checkout build

Liquid HTML,Scss CSS, ROR, JQuery, Javascript